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中国批准微软收购在华诺基亚手机业务_开云|kaiyun发布日期:2024-09-27 浏览次数:
本文摘要:The main regulatory hurdle that prevented Microsoft completing the takeover of Nokia’s handset and services businesses in the first quarter has been overcome, with China approving the deal.随着中国批准后涉及交易,妨碍微软公司(Microsoft)在今年第一季度已完成对诺基亚(Nokia)手机和服务业务并购的主要监管障碍已被解决。

The main regulatory hurdle that prevented Microsoft completing the takeover of Nokia’s handset and services businesses in the first quarter has been overcome, with China approving the deal.随着中国批准后涉及交易,妨碍微软公司(Microsoft)在今年第一季度已完成对诺基亚(Nokia)手机和服务业务并购的主要监管障碍已被解决。Nokia shares closed up 5 per cent at 5.59 in Helsinki on the news.消息爆出之际,诺基亚在赫尔辛基股市的股价收涨5%,至5.59欧元。Nokia said last month it expected the transaction to close in April, compared to expectations of it doing so in the first quarter, when the 5.4bn deal was first announced last September.上月,诺基亚回应,预计交易于4月已完成。

相比之下,去年9月最初宣告这笔54亿欧元的交易时,各方预期交易将在第一季度已完成。While regulatory approval from the European Commission and the US Department of Justice had been received, it cited “pending approvals from certain antitrust authorities in Asia which are still conducting their reviews”.尽管欧盟委员会(European Commission)和美国司法部(US Department of Justice)之前已批准后这笔交易,但诺基亚此前称之为,该交易“仍尚待某些亚洲反垄断主管部门的批准后,这些部门仍在展开审核”。It announced today that it had received regulatory approval from the Ministry of Commerce in China, meaning April is still the target. The deal also included Microsoft buying Nokia’s patents.诺基亚昨日宣告,已接到中国商务部的监管批准后,这意味著4月仍是已完成并购的目标。

这笔交易还包括微软公司出售诺基亚的专利人组。“The regulatory approval process has involved a thorough review of Nokia’s patent licensing practices by several competition authorities around the world,” the Finnish company said. “During that process, no authority has challenged Nokia’s compliance with [licensing its patents on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory terms] or requested that Nokia make changes to its licensing program or royalty terms.”诺基亚回应:“监管审核过程牵涉到由全球数个反垄断主管部门对诺基亚的专利许可实践中展开完全审查。在此过程中,没一家主管部门对诺基亚遵循公平、合理、无歧视的专利许可条款明确提出挑战,或是催促诺基亚转变其许可程序或专利许可条款。”Earlier this month, Microsoft said it would give away its software for smartphones free of charge – an admission that Microsoft has lost the smartphone battle to Google’s Android, which is free, and Apple’s iOS, which is included on the iPhone.本月早些时候,微软公司宣告将免费获取智能手机软件,这相等于否认其已在智能手机之战中败给了谷歌(Google)本来就免费的安卓(Android)系统和苹果(Apple)用作iPhone的iOS系统。

