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充电器或难逃被淘汰命运 无线充电技术将成主流|开云|kaiyun(官方)最新下载IOS/安卓版/手机版APP发布日期:2024-09-03 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Last month, it was revealed that Toyota had plans to release a plug-in electric Prius in 2016 that needed no plug at all to recharge, thanks to wireless technology from a U.S. company called WiTricity. The next day, Intel announced plans to release a completely wire-free personal computer by 2016—no power cord, no monitor cable, nothing. Nine days later, Starbucks announced that it would begin installing Duracell Powermat wireless charging pads in tables and counters in its stores across the United States.据媒体7月报导,丰田公司(Toyota)计划在2016年发售一款全新的混合动力版普锐斯(Prius)电动车,其特别之处在于,这款新车将几乎不必须“挂电”就能电池,这还要感激一家名为WiTricity的美国公司研发的无线充电技术。

Last month, it was revealed that Toyota had plans to release a plug-in electric Prius in 2016 that needed no plug at all to recharge, thanks to wireless technology from a U.S. company called WiTricity. The next day, Intel announced plans to release a completely wire-free personal computer by 2016—no power cord, no monitor cable, nothing. Nine days later, Starbucks announced that it would begin installing Duracell Powermat wireless charging pads in tables and counters in its stores across the United States.据媒体7月报导,丰田公司(Toyota)计划在2016年发售一款全新的混合动力版普锐斯(Prius)电动车,其特别之处在于,这款新车将几乎不必须“挂电”就能电池,这还要感激一家名为WiTricity的美国公司研发的无线充电技术。就在这条消息曝光后的次日,英特尔公司(Intel)也宣告将在2016年以前发售一款几乎不必须任何电线的个人电脑,也就是说既不必须电源线,也不必须显示器连接线。9天后,星巴克(Starbucks)不甘落后地宣告,该公司将在美国的所有星巴克门店桌子和柜台上加装Duracell Powermat公司的无线充电平板。

For wireless charging technology, the news headlines in June were, well, rather electric. (This is the part where you groan.)对于无线充电技术来说,今年六月公布的种种消息,的确是让人一挺“电话”的。Look more closely, though, and you’ll notice that wireless charging tech is poised to break through in the next few years, dramatically changing our relationship with our increasingly mobile, but still tethered, electronic devices. Thoratec, a healthcare company, is working with WiTricity on a wireless way to charge heart pumps and other medical equipment. Lockheed Martin, the aerospace and defense giant, is working on a laser-based system to recharge drones in mid-flight. The list goes on.不过如果你对这个行业仔细观察得更加了解的话,你不会找到,我们今天的电子设备虽然移动化程度更加低,但注定还是必不可少一根电线。而无线充电技术却将在未来几年里明显地转变我们与各种电子设备的关系。医疗器械公司Thoratec目前正在与WiTricity公司合作研究给人工心脏和其他医疗设备无线充电的方法。

国防航天巨头洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)也正在研发一套镭射系统,用来给飞行中的无人机电池。其他专门从事无线充电技术研究的公司还有很多。

The wireless power market is expected to explode from a $216 million in 2013 to $8.5 billion in 2018 globally, according to IHS Technology, a market research firm. Why, then, are most of us still wrestling with a pile of cords at home?据市调机构IHS科技公司的数据预测,全球无线充电市场的规模未来将会从2013年的2.16亿美元攀升至2018年的85亿美元。那么我们大多数人忘还要在家里敲一大堆充电器呢?“The reality is that the overall wireless charging market for consumer electronics is in the very early stages,” says Kamil Grajski, vice president of engineering at Qualcomm and the founding president of the Alliance for Wireless Power, or A4WP for short, one of three groups working on the development of wireless charging technologies.高通公司(Qualcomm)的工艺副总裁、无线电源联盟(A4WP)的创始人兼任总裁卡米尔o格拉吉斯恩认为:“现实中,消费电子产品的无线充电市场总体上还正处于十分初级的阶段。

”格拉吉斯恩创办的无线电源联盟是专门从事无线充电技术研发的三大的组织之一。Induction, the technology behind wireless charging, isn’t new—it’s been around for well over a hundred years. Here’s how it works: an induction coil creates an electromagnetic field (on a charging dock of some kind) that comes in contact with another induction coil (attached to the device to be charged), transferring electricity to it. It’s the same process used to juice up your electric toothbrush in its charging stand, Grajski says.电磁感应作为无线充电的基础技术,早已不是什么新鲜事物了,它早已不存在了足有100多年,其原理如下:首先,电池座上的电磁感应线圈不会构成一个电磁场,这个磁场与另外一个电磁感应线圈认识后(这个线圈一般相连在必须电池的设备上),就不会向其运送电力。格拉吉斯恩回应,它的工作原理跟用电池座给你的电动牙刷电池没什么有所不同。

But induction technology has limitations that have limited its mainstream appeal. It only allows for a single device to be charged per coil, making it clunky and relatively inefficient in today’s multi-device world, and it requires precise placement of the device to be charged so that the coils are aligned in order to initiate and sustain the charging process.不过电磁感应技术也有缺点,使它无法沦为一种主流技术。首先,每个电磁感应线圈不能给一台设备电池,因此在如今多设备共存的社会中不免变得陈旧、不便。其次,它必须你把设备的方位敲得很精确,才能让线圈启动和维持电池程序。

Proponents of inductive technology like Ran Poliakine, chief executive of Powermat, believe the key to increasing adoption of wireless charging lies not in figuring out the fastest or most efficient connection, but in making the technology available to people where they need it most. “The issue we are trying to address is how do we keep consumers charged throughout the day,” he says. “The barrier to entry was relevancy. Where do we put the charging spots?” He added: “The place you mostly need this service is outside your home and your office.”电磁感应技术的支持者,比如Powermat公司的CEO兰o波利亚凯恩等,都指出推展无线充电技术的关键,并不在于怎样构建最较慢或最有效地的相连,而在于如何让人们在最必须的地方用上它。波利亚凯恩回应:“我们企图解决问题的问题是,如何让消费者整天都能电池。仅次于的妨碍就是关联性,我们应当把电池点放到哪里?”他补足道:“你最必须这项服务的地方,是在家或办公室以外的地方。”He has a point. Placing charging stations in Starbucks locations is one way to do that, saving customers from the inevitable outlet search that comes with a drawn-out session at the café. Placement in airports and hotels, also in the works at Powermat, are two more ways. (One thing people may not know about Powermat’s charging stations: when used in conjunction with a cloud-based management system the company provides, a retailer can monitor who is at which station and for how long. Which means Starbucks could either give you the boot for squatting for six hours or beam you a coupon for a free refill to keep you there.)他说道的很有道理。


也就是说星巴克可以自由选择让你在那儿跪六个小时,或给你发送到一张免费续杯的优惠券把你拔引过来。)Another reason for the technology’s slow adoption? A good old-fashioned standards war between industry groups. The Power Matters Alliance, or PMA, backs one type of induction standard and counts Duracell, Procter Gamble, Qualcomm, and WiTricity as members. The Wireless Power Consortium, or WPC, backs an induction standard called Qi (pronounced chee) and counts Hitachi, IKEA and Verizon as members. Some companies, such as Microsoft and Samsung, are members of both groups.电磁感应电池技术推广较快的另一个原因,则是两大阵营之间愈演愈烈的标准之争。其一是电力事业联盟(PMA),代表成员还包括金霸王(Duracell)、宝洁(Procter Gamble)、高通和WiTricity等。


The two standards use what is essentially the same technology but apply it with different specifications, creating problems for the companies that must embed the technology in their products. According to John Perzow, vice president of market development for WPC, 63 phones on the market today support the Qi standard, including those from Nokia, Google, and Sony. Meanwhile, Google Nexus and LG phones, among others, will have Powermat compatibility built into them.这两大标准基本上用于的是完全相同的技术,但技术规格有所不同,造成企业在产品中映射无线充电技术时往往不会因为标准问题伤脑筋。据WPC的市场研发副总裁约翰o珀尔泽回应,当前市场上63款手机反对Qi标准,还包括诺基亚(Nokia)、谷歌(Google)和索尼(Sony)旗下的部分机型。同时谷歌的Nexus和LG旗下的部分机型则相容Powerbat的电池标准。

To up the ante, Powermat has plans to give away free “charging rings,” similar to those made by the Finnish firm PowerKiss it acquired last year, to Starbucks customers to encourage them to use in-store chargers. (It plans to sell them at retail for less than $10.) Meanwhile, the PMA struck a deal with A4WP in February to support its Rezence standard, which uses another kind of wireless charging technology called magnetic resonance.Powermat公司还计划向星巴克的顾客免费派发能相连店内充电器的“无线充电的环”。这种电池的环类似于Powermat去年并购的芬兰公司PowerKiss的产品,目前的计划零售价还将近10美元。另外PMA今年二月与A4WP达成协议了一项反对其Rezence标准的协议,Rezence标准用于了另一种叫作“磁共振”的技术。

Both industry groups look to magnetic resonance technology as the likely second-generation standard for wireless charging, thanks to its ability to transfer larger quantities of energy and therefore support larger devices such as kitchen appliances. (The WPC says it is working on its own version of the tech.) The wireless PC that Intel demonstrated at Computex last month—you can see it in a video here—uses the Rezence standard.两大行业的组织PMA和A4WP都指出,磁共振很有可能将沦为无线充电技术的第二代标准,因为磁共振可以传输更好的电力,不足以为厨房用具等用电量更大的设备电池。(WPC则回应它也正在研发自己的磁共振技术。)英特尔上月在台北国际电脑展上展出的无线PC也正是用于了Rezence的标准。

Magnetic resonance technology relies on resonant magnetic coupling, which creates a magnetic field around each coil that transfers power without having to align coils precisely. It can charge a device across small distances (about two inches) rather than requiring near-direct contact—a table can be retrofit with a charging pad attached underneath it instead of embedded in its surface.磁共振技术主要倚赖电磁共振耦合原理,它不会在每个线圈周围构成一个需要传输电力的磁场,不必须对线圈展开准确排序。另外它还可以隔着一段较小的距离展开无线充电(大约两英寸),不必须让设备与充电器必要认识。因此你可以把电池板八边形在桌子底下,而不是放到桌面上。

Magnetic resonance also allows more than one device to be charged at the same time. The Rezence standard uses the Bluetooth connection already present in many mobile electronics to detect the presence of a compatible charger. The technology is not yet on the market, but Grajski anticipates products using Rezence could be seen in stores as soon as this year. “Some of the barriers are just getting the right players in industry to adopt the technology and make it available at a reasonable price,” he says.磁共振技术的另一个优点,是可以同时反对一台以上设备电池。Rezence标准就利用了很多手机都不具备的蓝牙功能,来搜寻需要与手机相容的充电器。目前这项技术还没有上市,但格拉吉斯恩指出,用于Rezence标准的产品最先有可能今年就不会到店预售。

他回应:“这项技术的障碍,只不过是如何让行业里准确的运动员使用这项技术,然后以一个合理的价格获取给消费者。”Still, two inches is two inches. What about beaming power across a room? That’s where WiTricity comes in. Born out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007, the company continues to develop what Kaynam Hedayat, vice president of product management and marketing, calls “highly resonant wireless power transfer” technology.但是两英寸的距离却是还是太短了。如果要是隔着一间屋子也能电池那该多好?这就是WiTricity公司正在希望的目标。

WiTricity是2007年从麻省理工学院产卵出有的一家公司,它仍然致力于开发公司产品管理与营销副总裁凯纳姆o希达亚特所谓的“高振谐的无线电力传输”技术。Imagine an opera singer who can break glass with her voice—that’s how the technology works, Hedayat says. “Objects have a certain frequency by which they start vibrating,” he says. Tune a receiver and a device to the same frequency and they begin communicating with each other. “The energy is only transferred to devices that are tuned to that frequency,” he says. This allows electricity to transfer over distances of up to four feet. “With that, a lot of possibilities open up,” he adds.想象一下,一名歌剧演员可以用她的高音震破玻璃,这就是这项技术的原理。希达亚特回应:“任何物体都有一定的共振频率。


”Such as charging vehicles or medical equipment wirelessly. “Wires in hospitals are a big issue because you have to sterilize every device,” Hedayat says.比如我们可以借以给车辆或者医疗设备展开无线充电。”希达亚特认为:“医院里的电线是个大问题,因为你必需给每样设备消毒。”Or use in military applications, where robots in the field can be recharged while in position. Wireless charging tech could also help soldiers cut down on the nearly 40 pounds of battery that many soldiers carry on their backs, Hedayat says. And charging sensors on submarines would enable battery charging in deep-sea conditions, where it’s unsafe to run wires.这项技术也可以应用于军事用途,比如继续执行任务的机器人可以就地电池。另外它也可以使很多士兵不用再行身负重达40磅的电池。

另外深海中的潜艇也可以利用这项技术向艇外的传感器电池,因为在深海中拉电线似乎是不安全性的。For now, the wireless charging standards war rages on, and the technology remains a novelty at best. But it can’t go on forever. Just as Wi-Fi became the standard protocol for wireless data exchange between computers, so shall one wireless charging standard emerge as the winner. Only then will we see what wireless charging is capable of.目前,无线充电技术的标准大战还在之后,无线充电技术本身也依然是个新鲜事物,但这种局面会总有一天持续下去。就像Wi-Fi早已沦为电脑之间互相交换数据的标准协议一样,迅速也将不会有一种无线充电标准落败,沦为标准化标准。

直到那时,我们才将确实亲眼无线充电技术的潜力。“In four or five years, there will be one standard for wirelessly charging devices,” Hedayat says. ” You will forget about different adapters and connecters. You will find a hotspot and it’s just going to work.”希达亚特回应:“在四五年内,就将不会有一种无线充电设备的标准化标准。你将忘记有所不同型号的充电器和连接线。


